Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Holmes Public Library is a non-profit, volunteer organization formed and incorporated in January of 1987.

Mission Statement

    The mission of the Friends of the Holmes Public Library, Inc. is to support the Holmes Public Library by sponsoring library activities and programs; donating materials and books; and stimulating volunteer services and gifts to the library. 100% of all funds raised are spent directly on materials and programs that benefit the library, its patrons, and the community.

 The Friends usually meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month.  

(except for December and July, unless deemed necessary)

2022-2023 Officers

Chair – Betsy Hodge

Treasurer – Candace Kniffen

Recording Secretary – Joan Brides

Corresponding Secretary – Jeanne Kling

Directors/Members at Large –  Ava Grimason, Robert Hodge, Bob Kniffen

Trustee Liaison – Erin Nagle

Download the Form and drop off at the Library!

Contact Us

Join us at monthly meetings, usually the fourth Wednesday of the month.  

Fax(781) 294-8518
Phone(781) 293-2271
MailFriends of the Holmes Public Library
470 Plymouth Street
Halifax, Massachusetts 02338
E-mail[email protected]

We are always looking for new members! 

To join, drop by the library or send in downloadable form below with your contributions.

Friends Membership form to download.

Senior (65 years +) $5/year

Individual $10/year

Family $25/year

Business $50/year                                      

The Friends of the Holmes Public Library is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization.

Contributions are generally tax deductible, however you should consult your financial advisor regarding your donation

Library Programs the Friends sponsor

The annual Summer Reading Program at the library (performers, snacks, any materials needed)
Adopt-a-Book Program
Massachusetts Library Association PR Award submission  fees
Silver Lake High School and Middle School required reading summer reading assignment selections
Library Programs – authors and speakers
Refreshments for various occasions including Holidays in Halifax, retirements, and volunteer appreciation events
Museum Passes (MFA, Heritage Museum)
Community Reads – “Overboard”, “Weekends with Daisy”
Supplemental Library supplies ( ink, toner, labels, step ladder etc.)
Mass Memories Road Show – November 2012
Halifax Assistive Technology (Serving People with Disabilities) project
Books in Bloom program

Friends’ Donations to the Library

Accu-Cut machine
Cordless phones
Edison electric table for video magnifier
Keurig Coffee Machine and supplies for the convenience of patrons and visitors
Poland Spring water service
Upright refrigerator and microwave for the kitchenette
Cushioned chair pads
Book case (with an engraved plaque) for the Ongoing Book Sale